Protestant roots
Alsace and Lorraine are among the only regions in France to have a cultural and religious heritage which traces five centuries of Protestant history.
The richness of this heritage is very much due to the particular history of our regions, formed by the devotion of people having lived here, who modeled these regions by their faith, their culture, their spirituality and their influential activities.
In the light of this, the Union of Protestant churches in Alsace and Lorraine (UEPAL) wanted to let people discover or rediscover this regional Protestant heritage through a project entitled “Protestant roots”.
It is for those – individuals or groups – interested in finding out the thousand and one forms of the Protestant adventure in our regions. We hope that you will find interest and pleasure, and that you may discover the richness and the potential of a past which, far from being dead, asks to exert its potential in the future. Roots can only be a strength if, instead of being cut off, they can trace a route, a path towards the world of tomorrow. Such is the meaning of true spirituality: the culture of what has been given, and having the breath of what is to come.
May you have a good and fruitful journey to the heart of Alsace and Moselle Protestantism!